After a long day of errands and putting up a Christmas tree I woke up this morning so late. Had My breakfast and log on to the computer. Until suddenly my doorbell rang. And this is handed to me. The guys said "here is a gift for you". I was taken aback when he said that I thought he's courting me or something. But no not at all of coarse because this guy is one of the many staff of the building and he's just handling me a gift from the management.

Then I remember I have to prepare to leave and help out on the yearly celebrated Bake Alaska at Zethland Hall.
Every year Freemasons in Hong Kong would celebrate Bake Alaska and sponsor 3 orphanage houses to feast with them at their so called Zethland Hall.
Lina, Aunt Sallie and I
Then the kids from the orphanage arrived and the whole place became alive!!!
We serve them with some sausages, chips, chicken nuggets and goodies. These are the things that they don't get to taste everyday. Soda is so popular to these children that some of them really brought bottles to fill in to bring to their place to be consumed later. Also some of them pose for pictures with me.
This is the little boy is so meek and shy when first saw him but when he got his present from Santa. He posed for me. Isn't he the cutest?
and this boy feels like going to a masquerade.
And one is a girl who showed me her new ring and asks me to take a picture of her. And I gladly did.
Here is Santa, the thinnest Santa the kids and I has ever seen but there's the catch he can speak cantonese and license to kill (he's a police man actually).
Overall, all the children are happy to leave the hall with lots of goodies and memories to bring back to the orphanage.
Bye kids thank you for spending a day with us!!!
Wow, Smile! I must say: that was time well spent ah! Your group made those children happy that they felt loved in that one day with you, so much that they have good memories to relive throughout the year. You may not realize it, but by doing these acts of kindness you are helping to stabilize them emotionally. Keep up the good work, God bless your organization!
x o x o xx oo XX OO
translation: kiss, hug, kiss, hug, kiss kiss, hug hug, big kiss big kiss, big hug big hug.
heheh. kakatapos ko lang manood ng nacho libre eh. sensha na.
veks!! love kita talaga! bait bait you.
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