Flying from one place to another is not just exciting. Most of us look forward to roam around the place, do some sight seeing, hit shopping area ASAP and for some meeting new friends is a bonus. For me, it's not just all these that I look forward to. I also look forward to where I'm going to dwell for a short period of time. Will I be sleeping on the couch like I sometimes do at my sisters' place. Will I be sleeping in a dodgy room where the facilities are just one step away from each other? Or will I be sleeping on a nice comfortable bed that would allow me to toss and turn all night long without kicking my hubby out of the bed. =)
No I'm not weird, I just love taking pictures of the hotel I'm in, which my hubby finds it unusual. He said we were only here for a short period of time and that there've been much nicer hotels that we went too and yet I still love taking pictures of the rooms I get in. Hmmm.... I haven't told him this but for me this is where I leave most of my marks, most of the intimate time and most of all it's where I can be me. That's why I love to take a piece of that memory with me. (I only took pictures not anything else! hahahaha)
Remember me posting pictures of the hotel in Kobe, Yokohama,Seoul, Pusan, Manila, Palawan, Cebu, Edinburgh, London, France and everywhere else I've been to? Ooops! Maybe not here but in my multiply site. =P But still right? hihihihi!!!
Now, I give you the new GRAND MILLENUM in Beijing, China.
The king size bed I truly fell in love with.
Plasma TV cum computer monitor.=)
The tub and the granite sink I wish I could have someday.
Nice clean smoked glass where it conceals a triple shower and the majestic toto loo.
Spacious closet for me and hubby and also an office table where I'm doing my blog now. hahaha!!!
There you go. Another one of the things I love to remember.